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Size: 1250x450x960 mm (height with stand)

Scale: 1:84

Material: wood

Prices from if based on a kit: $ 10,000

H.M.S.VICTORY - 1765

     This British warship can be constructed from scratch or based on a commercially available kit, upgrading the wood and replacing the lines with high-quality rope. A glass display case can be offered, too, for the model ...

      HMS Victory (1765) is a 104-gun first-row battleship of the Royal Navy. Launched on July 23, 1759. Launched on May 7, 1765. He participated in many naval battles, including the Battle of Trafalgar, during which Admiral Nelson was mortally wounded on board. After 1812 he did not participate in the fighting, and since January 12, 1922 is permanently parked in the oldest dock in Portsmouth. The ship is now in the state it was in during the Battle of Trafalgar and turned into a museum, which is one of Portsmouth's main attractions.

© Olha Batchvarov (USA, Connecticut, New London)
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