Sales of completed ship models and commission a model:
You can purchase pre-made models or order commission model by contacting me to discuss the type, scale and timing of construction...
The fastest way to build a model of course, to order its construction from a ready-made commercial kit. The time and cost will depend on the number of changes made to the standard kit and on the production of additional items to bring the model to historical copy. Of course this option is cheap but you will get a similar model to the original.
The most historically accurate copy can be made completely individually using drawings and archival documentation and vessel information. In this case, the construction process can take three times longer, as it is necessary to carry out additional research and develop detailed drawings before construction begins. Accordingly, the cost of such work ranges from $ 400-500 per month. And the model is built from 3 years, and an average of 5-6 years, depending on the complexity and availability of carvings and scenery ...