Class C European Championships - Kavarna (Bulgaria) 2017
Every two years the international organization NAVIGA holds an open European Championship in poster simulation of section C. The exhibition lasted a whole week 02-09.09.2017 in the town of Kavarna (Bulgaria). Here are the best works of the most famous masters - 10 European countries and 164 models ...

Ukrainian national team

"Saint Eustachius Placid" in Scale 1:50

"Grand Duke Constantine" in Scale 1:100

Schooner "Polotsk" in M 1:72

The 13th European Championship was officially opened by the Mayor of Kavarna - Nina Stavreva and personally congratulated the national teams of 10 European countries: Romania, Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Germany and Ukraine. Ten years ago, Kavarna already hosted a similar ship-making festival, and many athletes are happy to come back here again with their new works. A total of 164 models were presented in 8 classes. The level of performance and skill of the athletes are simply astounding. The painstaking work on every little detail. The judges' colleges had an incredible responsibility to evaluate the best of the best and select the winners in each class. The fight was on the tenth and sometimes hundreds of points. Here, as the authors of their masterpieces, they were able to defend and defend the correctness and correctness of the model's construction - to bring arguments about their research and to provide reliable information from a precisely reproduced copy of the ship or boat ...
To look at every detail of the work - a week was not enough, so to be able to still study each model in detail - had to make more than one hundred photos. Large-scale copies look like real working ships, it seems that if they are enlarged to real sizes - they will be absolutely fully running, with every detail and assembly in place. In some models, even the interior of the cabins is visible through the portholes and the lights and navigation lights are switched on ...
Our team brought to the championship 6 models - 5 of which were in the prize places. Particularly noteworthy Odessa master Goshko VM - the first gold in the most difficult class C-1 with his "Saint Eustace Placid" in M 1:50. This handsome man has a length of 1.6 m, a width of 0.9 m and a height of 1.5 m, which scored 97.00 exactly out of 100.
Also the attention of the hull of the ship "Grand Prince Constantine" in class C3-D (dioramas and parts of ships) is made of silver and gilding, a master jeweler in the specialty of EV Yepur (Odessa). He took second gold in his class.
Another gold medal was won by Odessa V. Razumenko. He finished third in his class and is also gold with the schooner model "Polotsk" in M 1:72.
Kyiv won the gold and silver medal in the C-6 class. Shlyuev ME brought two jobs and both got into the prize places:
Overall, Ukraine won 4 gold and one silver medal. We have conquered Europe not in quantity but in quality. I would like to promote this sophisticated non-Olympic sport more. It differs from the usual active types of competitions in that it requires endurance, diligence, perseverance and a careful approach to work, with a cold mind and the ability to hold a tool in the hands ...
Looking at these wonderful works, we want to wish our athletes even more inspiration and desire to win international competitions - such as next year's World Cup. And to wish more support from the country as each participant of a solitary confinement came and brought the works. Although we have many more decent models, but there is no way to show them to the world. So we hope that next year, all our sportsmen will be able to bring their sophisticated copies of ships to conquer the world and receive even more awards and to rank the country overall ...