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Championship of Ukraine of class C - Nikolaev 2018.

At the end of spring, May 18-20, 2018, we had a real sailing festival. Large-scale models of copies of ships were brought by masters from all over Ukraine to the shipyard of Mykolaiv. It is no coincidence that this city accepts athletes, because it originated in its time as a shipyard, as well as here is the oldest yacht club in Ukraine ...


Belov Alexander - Dutch Duplexer (Odessa) builds his first ship with a large number of carvings, before that he never holds in his hands the tools for woodworking as he works in a car shop.


Alexander Ostashevsky - a battleship "Borodino" (Kiev) from childhood dreamed of becoming a pilot, so now he works as an engineer of aviation technician and velomohanik, and builds ships from paper, which is no different from the present. But the material was chosen not the easiest to work with, here even a small mistake and from the glue the paper will shrink ...


Igor Marukha (represented the Kiev team at the competition) is a real shipbuilder and builds sailboats and mahogany canoes. It was they who inspired to recreate them in models and zoom out three times.

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From left to right: Goshko Vadim (Odessa), Postikin Sergey (Nikolaev), Derevyanko Roman (Kiev)

The grand opening of the competition took place in the assembly hall of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding. Honorary guests and students of the University were delighted to look at each model. Many questions fell on the authors of the models, so many visitors have long been seen at the competition, even the judges. The authors were impressed by their skill and the large number of on-the-fly debutants taking over the experience of experienced athletes. It is especially nice to see new faces in the prize places.


To date, such models capture their detail of execution. It seems that such hard work can be done only on modern mini-machines and with the help of precision tools. But the models from the seventeenth century, preserved in our time in the world museums - look just as incredible and amazing accuracy. The only difference is that in those days the models were built as models of ships that the shipbuilding master suggested to build, and today our masters are trying to repeat this process in reverse. Play an exact copy of the real ship ...


Modern technologies both help and complicate the work for modelers of today. For example, it is allowed to build in stand-alone modeling in a separate class of plastic or paper. At the same time, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the outside the models by the material - they look like real metal ones. This is already the influence of the 21st century, which allows each modeler to reveal his talents completely.


A lot of Nikolaev juniors were very amused, their models made half of all vessels from the championship. And here not only the number, but also the quality of the performance also impressed. Although an adult debutante from a small town near Kiev, Brovary, could stand out. He was even able to confuse the judicial team. His models fit into the rules of the international organization NAVIGA under which the model can be made on any scale, but not to exceed 2.4 m in length - it did not prevent the athlete to build their boats on a large scale 1: 3, which very rarely happens at competitions, and more precisely, we have introduced such models for the first time!


In the overall standings of the team from different areas, the championship was rightfully left to Nikolaev, the second place went to Kiev, and the third place was taken by Odessa. All athletes were satisfied and are already making plans for the future. And it is not that far away - in September our national team of Ukraine is preparing to go to Romania to Galati to participate in the World Cup. So we want to wish our masters patience, inspiration and more free time for their favorite business.

I would also like to thank for the support in organizing and conducting the competition for Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding for providing the beautiful illuminated premises of the assembly hall.

© Olha Batchvarov (USA, Connecticut, New London)
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