Great workshop at home
I arranged a real big workshop after moving to live in a house with my husband. To do this, I selected a room where my husband kept sails from his yacht in the winter and turned it into a shipyard of 25 square meters. To be more precise, he offered me this room together with the wedding ring)))) and only for the very fact that the man agrees to support all my crazy ideas and plans - he definitely deserves my consent. This is how, when I got married, my creative opportunities expanded ...

Immediately I will say how much easier and faster to plan a workshop when the room is already ready and warm, plus in addition with autonomous heating. It is a former boy's room of a previous owner's teenager, although the room is in the basement of the house with two small windows under the ceiling, but it's quite light and most importantly dry and warm. But the entire perimeter of the walls in sockets every 2 meters is just the perfect room for a workshop. Outlining the plan quickly, I began to look for shelving tables and various little things for the workshop. Because the area is large, and it is necessary to make the premises almost from scratch, although I have brought some with me from Kiev. Favorite boom machine and rope, just couldn't leave but they won't work at 110V without a network adapter, you need to find a 220V converter ...
But the first to start setting tables and shelves. I generally want more shelves, they will never be superfluous. The man presented a real workbench of which I could only remember before because there was nowhere to put it. After all, some things are better done behind the workbench than at a regular table. Especially when you are mounting something or assembling ready-made items, the best emphasis can be on standing.

But since shipbuilding is a more sedentary job, I found myself a chair that rises to the height of a bar with a footrest. I was thinking about buying one in Kiev, because I have two tables on the balcony at different levels with a height of 0.7 m and 1.0 m, and I did not have the usual chair, it was necessary to work standing on a workbench. But now I even have a dream chair. Having installed a minimum of furniture, in the first place, she started looking for some converter - a power transformer for my instruments.

It turns out such divas are enough and I have easily found such a voltage converter for a boring machine and a rope. It works both ways, can lower from 220V to 110V and increase from 110V to 220V. A large area of the room is confusing to do for the first time, to put furniture (shelves of drawers) or to buy equipment right away, but it needs to be put somewhere out of the closed circle. Therefore, with the advent of each device I try to find a place for him and think about what else needs to be done for the minimum necessary start of the workshop. Apparently only with the advent of the circular saw it will work fully ...
I hope this information and my experience will be useful to you, follow the news on my blog or YouTube channel ...
Хочу зробити цілу серію випусків, як з нуля обладнати зручне робоче місце та як краще розподілити зони робіт на різних етапах побудови моделі. Процес створеня майстерні, як і побудова моделі - довготривалий і тому на конкретному прикладі будівництва корабля, буду висвітлювати і процес облаштування приміщення:
Issue # 1 - looking around and the plan
In this video, the preparation of the premises and the division into the working areas of the Ship Modeling Laboratory ...
Issue # 2 - moving to a new workshop
This issue is dedicated to the relocation and starting to fill in materials and equipment for starting a workshop ...
Issue # 3 - Launching a Ship Modeling Laboratory
Fully equipped workshop for full operation. Of course, this is just the beginning and so far only the basic machines and devices have been installed, but this is not the limit for improvement ...